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Little Sarah Birch

Welcome To Little Sarah Birch

Who am I?  I’m a mother, a wife, Maritimer, a former lawyer, and a self-proclaimed adventurer who goes by Sarah.  I’m not funny per se, but I get myself into funny situations that create humour in my life.  I believe that everyone has a story to tell; this blog will be home to my story.  

Because our family recently moved from the West to the East Coast of Canada (back to “our roots”), I’ve been thinking a lot about how to turn the place you live into your home.  This blog is meant for anyone looking to feel more at home in their own life and community, while following along with mine.

The Blog

Sleep Deprivation & Its Effects

Sleep Deprivation & Its Effects

I was recently interviewed by the CBC relating to the ongoing sleep troubles we had with my daughter. My mental health was deeply affected by the prolonged lack of sleep, despite having little to no struggles with my mental health outside of this time. I urge you to...

Being Small is Fine by Me

Being Small is Fine by Me

“How short are you?”  If no one has asked you this, you are probably taller than five feet.  I don’t actually know the tipping point at which people start asking you how tall you are, but I do know that people ask how short you are at five feet. This site is...